Echo Falls Wine:
This sponsorship is for the TV show 'Come Dine With Me'. Target audience is for over 30s, women who like to dine with their friends.
The upbeat music starts straight away. The music is very jolly and by the expression on the actresses faces, they too are very happy. The music is played all the way through without any diegectic sound or any dialogue.
The lighting is very bright and goes parallel to the music which helps add to the cheerful tone being created. When when it gets dark outside the lighting is still bright and clear which denotes that they are having a brilliant time. The change from day to night tells the audience that they were having a great time for a long time which is appealing to the audience.
The women are presented as ordinary women in their 30's having a dinner party. All of which dressed in smart casual clothing, one woman even in slippers connoting that they are comfortable around each-other. This will appeal to the audience as it will remind them of memories.
The camera shots used are very simple jump cuts and a variety of camera angels. This is to engage the audience into the action and by making it simple its more relatable.
At the end of the clip there is woman's voice 'Echo Falls sponsors Come Dine With Me' establishing thats the sponsorship.
Come dine with me reflects its targets audience back on themselves as the show selects people mainly that are 30+ it is fair to argue that the target audience for both the show and also the wine is 30+. Therefore seeing that they are together is even more appealing to the audience.