Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Radio Advert - 2



'Wonga' is a money lending company. 

This radio advert 'Wonga' uses the song 'Mr Sandman' which was written in 1954 and is very well known however changed the lyrics to suit the advertisement. This technique is used as its a well known song and it will draw the attention of the audience. The repetition of 'Wonga' is also very rememberable and is a easy way to get the audience to remember the name of the advertisement. 

As this is a radio advert, making a cover of a song is a very clever way to promote the company and draw in the attention of the audience. 

This advert is 42 seconds long. This is because its a Radio advert and by re-making a song, the length of the advert will confuse the audience and grasp their attention more easily as they will think that its an actual song therefore making the audience more likely to pay attention to the advert. 

The target audience for 'Wonga' is anyone over the age of 18 needing money quickly. 

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