Digital Technology
Before starting Media i had never had to use technology such as Camera and the Premier Pro before. I had no idea how to edit or even use the camera equipment available.
The first form of technology I came across was a Camera. As i had never used an advanced camera before it was all very confusing to me. Once i had figured out how to actually use the camera i realized that without a tripod the majority of shots would be very inaccurate and very unstable. after playing around with the camera i decided to try some shots and see how the turned out, many of them were okay however some were terrible as i was still trying to get comfortable with all. However after a couple of attempts I found myself getting better with the shot and then because of that i was becoming more confident with ideas and realized what would and wouldn't work.
The confidence i have gained from using the camera will help me when it comes to shooting for one of the three briefs, depending on which one i choose. I will be able to take on what I have learnt to figuring out what goes and what doesn't.

Furthermore after we had done the majority of filming we had to edit are shots and start making out title sequence.
We done all our editing on Premier Pro. At first i panicked as everything seemed so hard and i honestly didn't think i would be able to understand what everything meant or even how to use it. Luckily I had two people in my group who were very experienced so they helped me with understand all the tools and understanding how to do everything. By the end, i could happily edit using the correct tools. However my skills are still very basic as i didn't get to do too much editing as we tried to split it up so everyone could have a go.
Moreover, from AS I have defiantly gained enough skills to be comfortable on my own when it comes down to editing my own piece of work in A2. MY confidence i have gained will also help me when planning as i will be bale to understand what i am capable of doing.
Research and Planning
This year i will make sure i have planned thoroughly into section so that when it comes to research everything is specific therefore making sure i don't leave anything important out. Furthermore, i will be making myself many deadlines to ensure that i am not falling behind and that i am up to date with all my work.
From AS i have learnt that being organised especially when doing my research and planning is very important and it helps your process of your coursework run a lot more smoothly. Good organisation with research and planning helped so much for the long run which is shown in the quality of my final
When it came to creativity, initially i found it easy. However i found that because i wanted my idea to be original yet keep to the code and conventions of a thriller i found my idea was constantly changing to fit the criteria.
To a certain extent I personally feel my final piece was original but obviously we kept to the code and conventions therefore meaning it couldn't of been 100% unique. The start was very ambiguous to the audience as you didn't quite know what was going to happen, very mysterious. However we have a couple of shots of our protagonist grabbing a knife and placing it into her bag which i personally find very cliche as i have watched many thrillers where there is a close of the protagonist hiding the main weapon. However from my research the audience would appreciate this as they don't like to much of the unknown, hence why we kept to that convention.
From this i have learnt to make sure that your idea is broad enough to change to the facilities you have to offer. Also that you make you have done enough research into your target audience, making sure you make your product appeal to them.
Post Production
My title sequence itself overall was very good. However this is because of the post production which helped me complete my product and make it so successful.
i personally think that both diegetic and non-diegetic sound was most important within my product. This is because my product had no dialogue and was just clips jumping from each other. When choosing the music we need to make sure it was mysterious and suitable. Also we needed to make sure that the diegetic sound was clear, for example when out antagonist was walking that the sound of her heels was clear and loud enough. When choosing our music we decided to make it quite cliche to a certain extent as we thought our audience would enjoy comfort as our piece is thrilling.
Overall if it wasn't for out post production our final product wouldn't have been as effective and probable would have been somewhat boring.
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